What has YOUR employer done (or not done) to protect you and your coworkers?
Are you an essential worker? We’d like to hear from you. What has your employer done or not done to protect you and your co-workers? According to a record obtained in a Freedom of Information Act request from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, nearly 4,000 workers from across the country have gone to the federal agency that polices worker health and safety with concerns that their employers haven’t done enough to protect them from the coronavirus as of April 3. ProPublica reported that 27% of the complaints to OSHA came from the healthcare industry and another 72% came from employees in manufacturing and retail workers. In New York City alone, there are over a million workers on the frontlines battling COVID-19 and only as of April 13, did the OSHA Department prioritize investigations and inspections specifically related to the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic. 75% of front line workers are people of color. Are you on the frontlines? Were you laid off due to COVID-19? Are you out of personal protective equipment? Were you provided with hazard pay? Do you and your co-workers have demands? Please tell us your story.